8,186 research outputs found

    Detection of fruit and the selection of primate visual pigments for color vision

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    Primates have X chromosome genes for cone photopigments with sensitivity maxima from 535 to 562 nm. Old World monkeys and apes (catarrhines) and the New World (platyrrhine) genus Alouatta have separate genes for 535-nm (medium wavelength; M) and 562-nm (long wavelength; L) pigments. These pigments, together with a 425-nm (short wavelength) pigment, permit trichromatic color vision. Other platyrrhines and prosimians have a single X chromosome gene but often with alleles for two or three M/L photopigments. Consequently, heterozygote females are trichromats, but males and homozygote females are dichromats. The criteria that affect the evolution of M/L alleles and maintain genetic polymorphism remain a puzzle, but selection for finding food may be important. We compare different types of color vision for detecting more than 100 plant species consumed by tamarins (Saguinus spp.) in Peru. There is evidence that both frequency-dependent selection on homozygotes and heterozygote advantage favor M/L polymorphism and that trichromatic color vision is most advantageous in dim light. Also, whereas the 562-nm allele is present in all species, the occurrence of 535- to 556-nm alleles varies between species. This variation probably arises because trichromatic color vision favors widely separated pigments and equal frequencies of 535/543- and 562-nm alleles, whereas in dichromats, long-wavelength pigment alleles are fitter

    The value of habitats of conservation importance to climate change mitigation in the UK

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    The input of PS contributes to the following UKRI-funded projects: DEVIL (NE/M021327/1) and Soils-R-GRREAT (NE/P019455/1). The contributions of RHF, GMB, AH and RBB were funded by RSPB. Thanks to Olly Watts and Phil Grice and three anonymous reviewers for comments on earlier versions of this paper, their comments immeasurably improved it. Thanks also to Ruth Davies, Mel Coath, Vicki Swales, Arfon Williams, Tom Lancaster, Andrew Midgely, Phillip Carson, Jonathan Cryer, Adam Barnett, Paul Morling, Pat Thompson, Beatriz Luraschi, Kate Jennings and Jonathon Bell who helped frame the question addressed here and shape the ā€˜storymapā€™ based on this work, available at https://arcg.is/098uiD.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Ethics, space, and somatic sensibilities: comparing relationships between scientific researchers and their human and animal experimental subjects

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    Drawing on geographies of affect and nature-society relations, we propose a radical rethinking of how scientists, social scientists, and regulatory agencies conceptualise human and animal participants in scientif ic research. The scientific rationale for using animal bodies to simulate what could be done in human bodies emphasises shared somatic capacities that generate comparable responses to clinical interventions. At the same time, regulatory guidelines and care practices stress the differences between human and animal subjects. In this paper we consider the implications of this differentiation between human and animal bodies in ethical and welfare protocols and practices. We show how the bioethical debates around the use of human subjects tend to focus on issues of consent and language, while recent work in animal welfare reflects an increasing focus on the affectual dimensions of ethical practice. We argue that this attention to the more-than-representational dimensions of ethics and welfare might be equally important for human subjects. We assert that paying attention to these somatic sensibilities can offer insights into how experimental environments can both facilitate and restrict the development of more care-full and response-able relations between researchers and their experimental subjects. <br/

    Opportunities for refinement in neuroscience: Indicators of wellness and post-operative pain in laboratory macaques

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    Being able to assess pain in nonhuman primates undergoing biomedical procedures is important for preventing and alleviating pain, and for developing better guidelines to minimise the impacts of research on welfare in line with the 3Rs principle of Refinement. Nonhuman primates are routinely used biomedical models however it remains challenging to recognise negative states, including pain, in these animals. This study aimed to identify behavioural and facial changes that could be used as pain or general wellness indicators in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). Thirty-six macaques scheduled for planned neuroscience procedures were opportunistically monitored at four times: Pre-Operative (PreOp), Post-Operative (PostOp) once the effects of anaesthesia had dissipated, Pre-Analgesia (PreAn) on the subsequent morning prior to repeating routine analgesic treatment, and Post-Analgesia (PostAn) following administration of analgesia. Pain states were expected to be absent in PreOp, moderate in PreAn, and mild or absent in PostOp and PostAn when analgesia had been administered. Three potential pain indicators were identified: lip tightening and chewing, which were most likely to occur in PreAn, and running which was least likely in PreAn. Arboreal behaviour indicated general wellness, while half-closed eyes, leaning of the head or body shaking indicated the opposite. Despite considerable individual variation, behaviour and facial expressions could offer important indicators of pain and wellness and should be routinely quantified, and appropriate interventions applied to prevent or alleviate pain, and promote positive welfare

    The reddest ISO-2MASS quasar

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    In the course of the NIR/MIR AGN search combining the 6.7 mu ISOCAM Parallel Survey and 2MASS we have discovered 24 type-1 quasars about a third of which are too red to be discriminated by optical/UV search techniques. Here we report on a detailed case study of the reddest type-1 quasar of our sample (J2341) at redshift z=0.236 with M_K=-25.8 and J-K=1.95. We performed spectroscopy in the optical with VLT/FORS1 and in the MIR with Spitzer as well as NIR imaging with ISPI at CTIO. The optical and NIR observations reveal a star forming emission-line galaxy at the same redshift as the quasar with a projected linear separation of 1.8 arcsec (6.7 kpc). The quasar and its companion are embedded in diffuse extended continuum emission. Compared with its companion the quasar exhibits redder optical-NIR colours, which we attribute to hot nuclear dust. The MIR spectrum shows only few emission lines superimposed on a power-law spectral energy distribution. However, the lack of strong FIR emission suggests that our potentially interacting object contains much less gas and dust and is in a stage different from dust reddened ULIRG-AGN like Mrk 231. The optical spectrum shows signatures for reddening in the emission-lines and no post-starburst stellar population is detected in the host galaxy of the quasar. The optical continuum emission of the active nucleus appears absorbed and diluted. Even the combination of absorption and host dilution is not able to match J2341 with standard quasar templates. While the BLR shows only a rather moderate absorption of E_(B-V)=0.3, the continuum shorter than 4500 AA requires strong obscuration with E_(B-V)=0.7, exceeding the constraints from the low upper limit on the 9.7 mu silicate absorption. This leads us to conclude that the continuum of J2341 is intrinsically redder than that of typical quasars.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Spatially targeted nature-based solutions can mitigate climate change and nature loss but require a systems approach

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    Funding Information: This study was funded by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and Natural England (project code ECM 58632). The Breeding Bird Survey is a Partnership between the BTO, RSPB, and Joint Nature Conservation Committee (on behalf of Natural Resources Wales, Natural England, Council for Nature Conservation and Countryside, and NatureScot) and relies on volunteer surveyors. Simon Gillings provided tetrad-level predictions of relative abundance for wading birds. We are grateful to members of the RSPB steering group, who contributed to the development of our scenarios, and Profs. Tim Benton and Andrew Balmford who commented on an earlier version of this manuscript. Conceptualization, T.F. R.B.B. T.B.-L. G.M.B. W.J.P. and R.H.F.; methodology, T.F. T.B.-L. J.P.C. D.M. P.S. and R.H.F.; software, T.F.; formal analysis, T.F.; resources, D.M.; data curation, T.F.; writing ā€“ original draft, T.F.; writing ā€“ review & editing, R.B.B. T.B.-L. G.M.B. J.P.C. D.M. P.S. W.J.P. and R.H.F.; visualization, T.F.; supervision, W.J.P. The authors declare no competing interests. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2023 The AuthorsPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Concordance of CSF measures of Alzheimer's pathology with amyloid PET status in a preclinical cohort: A comparison of Lumipulse and established immunoassays

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    INTRODUCTION: We assessed the concordance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) amyloid beta (AĪ²) and tau measured on the fully automated Lumipulse platform with pre-symptomatic Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology on amyloid positron emission tomography (PET). METHODS: In 72 individuals from the Insight 46 study, CSF AĪ²40, AĪ²42, total tau (t-tau), and phosphorylated tau at site 181 (p-tau181) were measured using Lumipulse, INNOTEST, and Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) assays and inter-platform Pearson correlations derived. Lumipulse AĪ²42 measures were adjusted to incorporate standardization to certified reference materials. Logistic regressions and receiver operating characteristics analysis generated CSF cut-points optimizing concordance with 18F-florbetapir amyloid PET status (n = 63). RESULTS: Measurements of CSF AĪ², p-tau181, and their ratios correlated well across platforms (r 0.84 to 0.94, P < .0001); those of t-tau and t-tau/AĪ²42 correlated moderately (r 0.57 to 0.79, P < .0001). The best concordance with amyloid PET (100% sensitivity and 94% specificity) was afforded by cut-points of 0.075 for Lumipulse AĪ²42/AĪ²40, 0.087 for MSD AĪ²42/AĪ²40 and 17.3 for Lumipulse AĪ²42/p-tau181. DISCUSSION: The Lumipulse platform provides comparable sensitivity and specificity to established CSF immunoassays in identifying pre-symptomatic AD pathology

    Response to novel objects and foraging tasks by common marmoset (Callithrix Jacchus) female Pairs

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    Many studies have shown that environmental enrichment can significantly improve the psychological well-being of captive primates, increasing the occurrence of explorative behavior and thus reducing boredom. The response of primates to enrichment devices may be affected by many factors such as species, sex, age, personality and social context. Environmental enrichment is particularly important for social primates living in unnatural social groupings (i.e. same-sex pairs or singly housed animals), who have very few, or no, benefits from the presence of social companions in addition to all the problems related to captivity (e.g. increased inactivity). This study analyses the effects of enrichment devices (i.e. novel objects and foraging tasks) on the behavior of common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) female pairs, a species that usually lives in family groups. It aims to determine which aspects of an enrichment device are more likely to elicit explorative behaviors, and how aggressive and stress-related behaviors are affected by its presence. Overall, the marmosets explored foraging tasks significantly longer than novel objects. The type of object, which varied in size, shape and aural responsiveness (i.e. they made a noise when the monkey touched them), did not affect the response of the monkeys, but they explored objects that were placed higher in the enclosure more than those placed lower down.Younger monkeys were more attracted to the enrichment devices than the older ones. Finally, stress-related behavior (i.e. scratching) significantly decreased when the monkeys were presented with the objects; aggressive behavior as unaffected. This study supports the importance of environmental enrichment for captive primates and shows that in marmosets its effectiveness strongly depends upon the height of the device in the enclosure and the presence of hidden food. The findings can be explained ifone considers the foraging behavior of wild common marmosets. Broader applications for the research findings are suggested in relation to enrichment

    Developing reading-writing connections; the impact of explicit instruction of literary devices on the quality of children's narrative writing

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    The purpose of this collaborative schools-university study was to investigate how the explicit instruction of literary devices during designated literacy sessions could improve the quality of children's narrative writing. A guiding question for the study was: Can children's writing can be enhanced by teachers drawing attention to the literary devices used by professional writers or ā€œmentor authorsā€? The study was conducted with 18 teachers, working as research partners in nine elementary schools over one school year. The research group explored ways of developing children as reflective authors, able to draft and redraft writing in response to peer and teacher feedback. Daily literacy sessions were complemented by weekly writing workshops where students engaged in authorial activity and experienced writers' perspectives and readers' demands (Harwayne, 1992; May, 2004). Methods for data collection included video recording of peer-peer and teacher-led group discussions and audio recording of teacher-child conferences. Samples of children's narrative writing were collected and a comparison was made between the quality of their independent writing at the beginning and end of the research period. The research group documented the importance of peer-peer and teacher-student discourse in the development of children's metalanguage and awareness of audience. The study suggests that reading, discussing, and evaluating mentor texts can have a positive impact on the quality of children's independent writing

    The relation between school leadership from a distributed perspective and teachers' organizational commitment: examining the source of the leadership function

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    Purpose: In this study the relationship between school leadership and teachersā€™ organizational commitment is examined by taking into account a distributed leadership perspective. The relation between teachersā€™ organizational commitment and contextual variables of teachersā€™ perceptions of the quality and the source of the supportive and supervisory leadership function, participative decision making, and cooperation within the leadership team are examined. Research Design: A survey was set up involving 1,522 teachers from 46 large secondary schools in Flanders (Belgium). Because the data in the present study have an inherent hierarchical structure, that is, teachers are nested into schools, hierarchical linear modeling techniques are applied. Findings: The analyses reveal that 9% of the variance in teachersā€™ organizational commitment is attributable to differences between schools. Teachersā€™ organizational commitment is mainly related to quality of the supportive leadership, cooperation within the leadership team, and participative decision making. Who performed the supportive leadership function plays only a marginally significant positive role. The quality of the supervisory leadership function and the role of the leadership team members in this function were not significantly related to teachersā€™ organizational commitment. Conclusions: The implications of the findings are that to promote teachersā€™ organizational commitment teachers should feel supported by their leadership team and that this leadership team should be characterized by group cohesion, role clarity, and goal orientedness. Recommendations for further research are provided
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